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ASG subsidies
ago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Besides its annual subsidy to the LBJ Medical Center Authority and the American Samoa Community College — referred to as the Board of Higher Education — the American Samoa Government is continuing separate funding in FY2024 for the hospital’s staff development as well as...
ASG is up to date with its subsidies paid to the American Samoa Community College, this is contrary to our previous article titled "ASCC audit report shows two years of missing ASG subsidies" published on 3 June, 2022.
The Audit report by the Moss Adams Auditors Company based in the U.S. mainland,...
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — With approval of Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga, the LBJ Medical Center has written off from its financial books, all unpaid and outstanding amounts of the ASG subsidy owed to the hospital, allowing the LBJ to move forward with its “cost reporting” for the Centers for...