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NOAA seeks comments on proposed sanctuary


Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries has begun the process to consider a national marine sanctuary in and around the waters of the Pacific Remote Islands. Public scoping is the first phase in the designation process, during which the public can comment through June 2 on the scope of issues and impacts to be considered for a proposed sanctuary. Comments may be submitted online, by mail, in person or virtually at public scoping meetings.

The proposed area in the central Pacific Ocean includes marine areas within the existing Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument, as well as currently unprotected submerged lands and waters, to the full extent of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone, an area totaling about 770,000 square miles. Terrestrial areas are not included in the proposed sanctuary.

The public is invited to comment on the proposed sanctuary designation through June 2, 2023, through the Federal eRulemaking Portal,, by searching for docket number NOAA-NOS-2023-0052. Comments may also be mailed if postmarked by June 2, 2023.


NOAA will host an in-person public meeting in American Samoa, with an option to join virtually. During the meeting, NOAA will gather input on boundaries, compatible uses, threats a new sanctuary would address, how best to promote marine science and education initiatives and other topics as described in the Notice of Intent that NOAA published in the Federal Register. The input NOAA receives from the public will assist the agency with the preparation and release of draft designation documents, and in formulating alternatives for the draft environmental impact statement.

The Am Samoa meeting is May 24, 2023: 4- 6 p.m. at the Tauese P.F. Sunia Ocean Center, Utulei, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799.

Participate virtually:

Submit all electronic public comments through the Federal eRulemaking Portal, Search for "NOAA-NOS-2023-0052". Click the "Comment Now!" icon, complete the required fields, and enter or attach your comments.

(Source: NOAA press release)


It is with great pleasure that Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) congratulates the following students on being named to the Winter 2023 President's List. The winter terms run from January to May.

Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.700 and above for the reporting term are named to the President's List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits over each 16-week term or paired 8-week terms grouped in fall, winter/spring, and summer.

Named to the President’s list from Am Samoa are: Julia Meredith-Evans, Sili Galeai, and  Angelo Kline.

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) is a private, nonprofit institution with a 90-year history of educating traditional-aged students and working adults. Now serving more than 170,000 learners worldwide, SNHU offers approximately 200 accredited undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs, available online and on its 300-acre campus in Manchester, NH. Recognized as one of the "Most Innovative" regional universities by U.S. News & World Report and one of the fastest-growing universities in the country, SNHU is committed to expanding access to high quality, affordable pathways that meet the needs of each learner. Learn more at

(Source: SNHU press release)


Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata is welcoming the announcement of a $3,252,225 federal grant for the American Samoa Department of Public Health’s health centers. The grant was awarded by the US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) through its Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA).

“I am thrilled to learn of the announcement of this multi-million dollar grant for the ASDOH’s public health centers,” said Aumua Amata. “Our residents rely on ASDOH’s multiple public health centers to receive routine medical care. More investments in these public health centers will lead to better healthcare for our people and frees up the LBJ Hospital to focus on more serious health problems.”

“I congratulate the Governor, ASDOH Director Motusa Tuileama Nua, and Elizabeth Ponausuia, whose work was crucial to receiving this grant. I also thank HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and HRSA Administrator Carole Johnson for their continued support

 (Source: Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata’s D.C. staff)


This past Friday, May 12, 2023 was the last day of the Territorial Climate Infrastructure Workshop 2.0 and was well attended by the American Samoa delegation especially since the morning session included one-on-one opportunities between territories and their federal counterparts in the seven focus areas of the workshop; Water, Broadband, Cleanup, Revitalization, and Recycling, Energy, Nature based solutions and Invasive Species, and Built Infrastructure.

The last and critically important session for the TCIW 2.0 was the National Environmental Policy Act presentation by the US Army Corp of Engineers. The presentation was made by Ms. Marian Dean, the Environmental Planner for the USACE. All territories attended and asked environmentally related questions about the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process and compliance issues.

The presentation included photos of the Faleasao solar panel area, the High Court of American Samoa and the Jean P. Hayden museum slides discusses whether the sites are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and if operations and maintenance is approved by the Territorial Historic Preservation Office, and if there will be changes in structural capacity, appearance, site or area, change in property boundary, archaeological site change in land use and if there will be an increase of traffic in the area that will affect the new proposed historical landmark project.

(Source: ASG press release)