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People of Gataivai: “If the government doesn’t need our land” we do

Two protesters from Gataivai

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — For the second time in two weeks, members of the Tavai Family, Laulu Family and people of Gataivai gathered Wednesday afternoon to participate in a demonstration calling out for government leaders to return their land that was given by their ancestors for government use. According to the family, the land was given to the government for its use, however, instead of using the land for government needs, it turns around and leases it out.

A representative from both families told Samoa News that their message is very simple and clear: “If the government doesn’t need our land for better infrastructure for our government, return it back to us, we really need out land.”

Of note, Samoa News reported in yesterday’s issue that Gov. Lolo M. Moliga during his keynote remarks at last Friday’s ground breaking ceremony for the Fagaima/ Ottoville to the main highway in Malaeimi road project that the government will no longer take by force family communal land for ASG projects.

Instead ASG will lease the land, so that the future generations of these families will continue to receive benefits.

[It is presumed the governor is referring to ‘imminent domain’ referring to land that is bought by the government for the benefit of the public with fair compensation to the owner.]

People of Gataivai village including the Tavai Family and Laulu Family are calling out government leaders to return their land if the government does not need it.  [photo by AF]