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Several faipule speak up agreeing with public — end TALOFAPass

Rep. Lua’itaua Gene Pan

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Rep. Lua’itaua Gene Pan believes that it’s about time to end use of the TALOFAPass web system before it brings more frustration and pain to our people.

During the House Session yesterday morning, Lua’itaua raised many issues pertaining to the future of the territory. He spoke about the effect of rising seas in the eastern district and the high cost of living. He also spoke about the problem people are facing when they travel off island due to the TALOFAPass web system.

Lua’itaua told members of the House that the reason behind the establishment of the TALOFAPass was good when ASG wanted to monitor travelers entering the territory during the time of the pandemic.

“Today, TALOFAPass is a headache and it causes a lot of stress and pain to our people and it’s about time to end the TALOFAPass web system,” Lua’itaua said.

The Sua Representative said that he reached out on how the State of Hawaii’s web system operates and the main reason why it was established in the first place, when compared to the TalofaPass web system here on island.

According to Lua’itaua, the State of Hawaii has hundreds of flights a week compared to American Samoa, which only has two flights in a week.

“The State of Hawaii is much bigger than American Samoa and their TALOFAPass [style] web system is no longer operating but look at us, despite a lot of complaints and concern from members of the public about the TALOFAPass, ASG decided to continue to operate it,” Lua’iataua said.

Several lawmakers echoed Lua’itaua’s concern regarding the TALOFAPass web system.

Vice Speaker of the House, Fetui Fetu Jr said that TALOFAPass has caused a lot of problems within our community and people are very frustrated with it.

He said in the beginning, TALOFAPass was like a savior for the government when it came to sharing information and monitoring travelers entering the territory during the time of the pandemic. However, things have changed and it’s now become a burden to our own people when they plan to travel off island or for families visiting the territory.

Fetui said that some people find it very hard to upload their travel documents on TALOFAPass. He said it is very difficult to get your name approved when you try to register on it.

Fetui said TALOFAPass is a waste of time and money and it should be stopped before it gets worse.

Rep. Ape Mike Asifoa shared his thoughts about the TALOFAPass issue.

According to the Leasina Representative, the TalofaPass web system is not helping people when it comes to travel. He said that his recent trip to Hawaii last month confirmed to him a lot of facts about the TALOFAPass.

“Where you’ve paid your airfare and your seat has been confirmed by the airline, if your name is not on the list TALOFAPass presented to the airline, you’re not allowed to board the flight and your name will be automatically removed from the airline system,” Ape said during yesterday’s house session.

According to Ape, he missed his flight from Hawaii to American Samoa because his name was not on the list TALOFAPass provided to the airline despite the fact that his seat was confirmed by Hawaiian Airlines.


Late last week the TALOFAPass help desk issued a reminder to travelers to the territory that they are still required to register on the TALOFAPass portal. Once registered, this allows the Immigration Office, DoH, the Department of Agriculture, and Customs Division to review and approve “travel documents, vaccination cards and any declarations you may make,” it says.

Furthermore, ASG continues to operate under the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration status “and continues to control carriers and travelers traveling into American Samoa for the protection of public health.”

“For travelers coming in from the U.S mainland, if you do not register on TALOFAPass, you are at risk of having your booked flight cancelled by Hawaiian Airlines 24 hours prior to the flight because the American Samoa Government will not have had the time to approve you for entry,” the help desk said.

“Please register on TALOFAPass in order for ASG to approve your entry into the territory at least 3 to 5 days before your flight,” it says.

More information and how to register on TALOFAPass is on the ASG website ( or TALOFAPass Facebook page.