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Summer Youth Employment Program closes with Cultural Day Event

Source: Governor’s Office press release

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Students, ASG departments, agencies and private organizations celebrated the successful conclusion of the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) on Friday, August 04, 2023 at the Suigaula Park in Utulei, American Samoa.

The American Samoa Department of Human Resources led by Director Lynn Pulou Alaimalo organized the cultural event to culminate the annual program where for the past 6-weeks student participants had the opportunity to experience life in the workforce.

In his capacity as acting governor, Lt. Governor Talauega E. V. Ale was invited to offer remarks at the event centered around “Embracing the Value of Our Culture: An Integral Aspect of our Work Environment.”

A press release issued by the Governor’s Office, highlighted Talauega ‘s remarks that emphasized that the Samoan culture is not a relic of the past stored in museums; rather, “it is a living culture that thrives through the people who continue to embrace and practice its customs and traditions.” He acknowledged that while museums play an essential role in preserving artifacts from various cultures, many have lost the essence of their original practices.

Talauega drew attention to the connection between the Samoan culture and the organization of the government, saying, “The principles and values of the culture are deeply integrated into the functioning of our government. Without the preservation and celebration of this cultural identity, there is no government.”

Acting. Governor Talauega encouraged ASG departments, agencies and private organizations involved in the program to continue emphasizing the importance of practicing and living the Samoan culture within the workforce.

The celebration included an Ava Ceremony, traditional dances, and Samoan songs.