Vice Speaker delivers to House Faimealelei’s denial of leaving quarantine
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The Aua Representative, Faimealelei Anthony Fu’e Allen strongly denies the allegation raised in the House chamber this past week the statement by a witness who claims he saw the faipule in Fagatogo last Tuesday morning — when he was required to be in quarantine at The Tradewinds Hotel.
Vice Speaker Fetu Fetui Jr voiced Faimealelei’s denial during Friday’s House session.
Fetui, who requested members of the Coronavirus Task Force Committee to look into this matter when it was first brought to the chamber last Wednesday by Pago Pago Faipule, Vesiai Poyer Samuelu, told representatives last Friday that he wanted to voice Faimealelei’s statement inside the chamber regarding this matter.
“According to Faimealelei, there was no time that he ever left his hotel room since he and his wife were under quarantine,” said Fetui Jr, who then told the chamber that he’s not sure whether the allegation brought against Faimealelei by Vesiai is true or not, but only God knows what really happened.
Fetui Jr added that Faimealelei and his wife voiced their disappointment to him about the allegation raised by Vesiai, during a conversation, which lasted over an hour.
House Speaker, Savali Talavou Ale echoed Fetui Jr’s statement and advised representatives to consider the integrity of the Fono whenever they bring sensitive issues like this to the chamber. He reminded faipule that not only should they make sure they are bringing factual issues into chamber but, it is also their job to protect their colleagues.
The subject about Faimealelei being seen in Fagatogo by a witness was first brought up in during the House session last Wednesday. Vesiai informed the House that an eyewitness saw Faimealelei in Fagatogo on Tuesday morning.
According to Vesiai, the witness confronted Faimealelei and told him that he should never leave his room. Vesiai told the House that the eyewitness was quite upset with Faimealelei.
The Pago Pago faipule said that he’s not questioning the Faipule’s action but he is questioning the Coronavirus Task Force Committee about corruption within their operation. He said the reason why he’s bringing the matter up is to illustrate what is really happening and the lapse in the enforcement of protective measures.
“They assured us during our hearing yesterday morning (last Tuesday morning) that Faimealelei and his wife are both secure inside their room and no one is allowed to leave the room until their 14-day quarantined is over. And now, let us see what is happening now,” Vesiai told the House.
Vesiai advised the House that they need to look at this issue very seriously instead of depending on the word of the Task Force.
During a hearing with the Commissioner of Public Safety before the House session Vesiai asked Commissioner Le’i if it’s a crime for people in quarantine to leave the site during the quarantine period.
The commissioner said it is prohibited and can be prosecuted.
Fetui who chaired last Wednesday’s session had assigned the chairman of the House Health Committee, Rep Vesi Fautanu to investigate the matter and report any finding to the chamber.
The matter regarding Faimealelei was brought up again by Vesiai last Thursday morning during a House hearing with Motusa discussing a House bill to authorize the Department of Health to test minors for any communicable disease and limit waiver of consent to screening, testing and examining. (Read separate story elsewhere in this issue.)
Vesiai said the witness came to his house to report seeing Faimealelei in Fagatogo. He said the witness saw Faimealelei in Fagatogo on Tuesday and the witness was very upset about the situation — and said the witness then confronted Faimealelei.
He further added that a former representative from Aunuu had also reported seeing Faimealelei the same day. The former representative then informed Pulu Ae Ae Jr, a chief from Pago Pago regarding the matter.
Vesiai told Motusa to take a close look at the matter about the Aua Representative and take the issue seriously.
He said that the reason why he raised this issue is because he cares about the safety of everyone — including himself.
He made it clear that he knows Faimealelei very well and he’s a person who doesn’t care about others. He assumes that the reason why Faimealelei was able to leave his room was because he paid money to the security. It was then he requested Motusa and the Task Force to investigate this matter and take it very seriously.
Motusa was about to respond to the subject but was stopped by the head of the Health Committee, Rep. Vesi Talalelei Fautanu Jr, who advised him that he didn’t have to respond since this is a sensitive issue, which needs to be investigated thoroughly.
Vesiai was vocal during earlier hearing with DOH and LBJ officials concerning the FEMA agent that was refused entry while Rep Faimealelei and his wife, the only other passengers on the same flight from Honolulu, were taken to the hotel to be quarantined.
The FEMA official had received a positive COVID-19 test on June 29 but was negative in a test on July 15, two days before she arrived here.
Vesiai said his children had booked a room at the Tradewinds Hotel over the previous weekend and he only found out on that Sunday about travelers being quarantined there. He said the hotel is where the community gathers for celebrations like birthdays, weddings and to socialize.
There’s no guarantee that the faipule and his wife were not exposed to the virus during the flight with the FEMA agent, he insisted. Vesiai said he was concerned for the health of his children, patrons of the hotel as well as its employees.