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Local News

The National Weather Service has extended the FLASH FLOOD WATCH for all of American Samoa until Sunday, February 19, 2017. Heavy showers with embedded thunderstorms along with strong and gusty winds are expected, with a potential for flash flooding. Residents and drivers in areas prone to flooding...
Aua Village was the first to complete the challenge "installation of marine debris encatchment net" on island, which was set up by American Samoa Power Authority and the village council. The net was set up at the stream on the main road of Aua. Aua 1st Ward of LDS faith adopted the stream and was very happy to have the net to help keep their coast clean and healthy. [photo: Ese Malala]
Last Saturday morning, Aua was the first village to complete their second challenge of the Fautasi Coastal Challenge, a set of five challenges that highlight “our rich cultural traditions, coastal resources, and our dependence on people, air, land and sea for economic and cultural security,”...
The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Pro Tempore, Marie Alailima has referred the case between the American Samoa Government (Department of Human Resources) and Aileen Solaita, back to the Personnel Advisory Board (PAB) and the DHR with the recommendation that Mrs. Solaita, a Department of Health...
Congresswoman Amata testifies before the MilCon/VA Approps Subcommittee in the U.S. Capitol Thursday morning.  [Courtesy photo]
Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Aumua Amata, testified before the Military Construction/ Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee in the U.S. Capitol building Thursday morning to speak on the needs and discrepancies in care for our veterans in American Samoa. “I want to take this moment to...
Newly confirmed Health director, Motusa Tuileama Nua, during his Senate confirmation hearing yesterday.  [photo: AF]
Department of Health is working to identify the validity of about $113,000 of the more than $200,000 of an outstanding debt that the Health Department is alleged to owe to Nevada-based Pima Prevention Partnership (PPP), which provided service to DOH during the previous administration, says Health...
Newly confirmed Public Defender, Douglas Fiaui, during his House confirmation hearing last week where he was confirmed by faipule. He was confirmed by the Senate on Wednesday this week and has completed the confirmation process.  [photo: FS]
Newly confirmed Public Defender, Douglas Fiaui is hoping to work with the Legislature to find “a way out of the darkness” for some of the people convicted of felony crimes, so they are able to return back to society to find work and take care of themselves and their families. Additionally, these...
Public school principals on Tutuila during a Monday meeting with newly confirmed Education director Dr. Ruth Matagi-Tofiga.  [photo: ASDOE]
With data showing below basic level test results in Reading and Math for third grade students over the last two years, Education director Dr. Ruth Matagi-Tofiga has urged principals to work together with teachers and parents to make a difference in the public education system. This was one of the...
[SN file photo]
ASG Treasurer Uelinitone Tonumaipea says the Treasury Department has the electronic equipment to monitor and track revenue earned through a sales tax, which is being considered by the Lolo Administration. Discussion of a sales tax for American Samoa surfaced during Tonumaipea’s recent Senate...
[photo: Blue Chen-Fruean]
By next year, Phase I of the LBJ Medical Center’s major construction project is expected to be completed. The work is being carried out by local contractor Paramount Builders and according to company officials, the delay with the project is due to the fact that work has to be done ‘phase-by-phase’...
During a dive on sonar anomalies suspected to be a shipwreck, the Deep Discoverer remotely operated vehicle instead discovered the remnants of asphalt volcanoes, or “tar lilies.” Image courtesy of NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Okeanos Explorer Gulf of Mexico 2014 Expedition.[photo: NOAA website]
The Okeanos Explorer, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ship, arrived in the territory this past Saturday and the first cruise will start today, February 16 to March 2, conducting daily daytime remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dives and overnight mapping operations in and...
