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Dear Editor:
Hi. I’m mad, I’m angry, and I’m hurt right now. No matter how many times one calls ASPA Water, one gets no assistance. You are either lied to or you receive some ridiculous excuse. I have lived in American Samoa over 30 years now, this house, over 20. I was hired by (Utu) Abe Malae...
Dear Editor,
Sunday, Dec 17, 2017. 1a.m. (case on going, protecting her identity, this is her story).
According to Mrs. X, she won the $2,000 Leone Bingo Jackpot; and what began as an evening to go out ended up when a disgruntled taxi driver takes her unknowingly to Tafuna...
Washington, D.C. — Until recently, we lived peacefully in our islands, secure in the knowledge that we were well away from the world's areas of potential conflict and war. But as Governor Lolo recently stated, North Korea is approaching the level of nuclear technology that even a remote place like...
Dear Editor,
Sexual harassment is a federal crime that should not be ignored just because we have not adopted the law. It is a crime that is plunging us further backwards in time eroding our basic values as human beings. It is also a red flag for the federal funders that support DPS, DHSS, CJP, etc...
To the Public and Territorial Legislators,
My wife and youngest daughter, at this writing are in Salelologa, Savaii, Samoa. I am grateful the Samoa Police and matai seem to have calmed down the violence and curtailed further shootings there, which occurred this past weekend.
To avoid misuse of...
Dear Editor,
On Wednesday, May 23, I took my nephews and niece to the Pala Lagoon Swim Center. We arrived shortly after 4pm so we knew we had just enough time to squeeze in some fun in the sun while being mindful of the time.
We enjoyed our day as one of our very own had surpassed requirements...
Dear Editor,
Knowledge and understanding is power. It reverses the power of fear and silence to action. It sends offenders scuttling like cockroaches, preventing and stopping the behavior.
Meeting with the Director of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Glory Gervacio in the federal...
Dear Editor:
Two in three. That’s how many Samoan women experience domestic violence.
The recent stories in Samoa news detail the impact of domestic & sexual violence. We have read the reporting of sexual harassment in government work place, and leadership response, it’s not a “news issue.”
Dear Editor,
A recent story in Samoa News regarding the new ASG excise tax scenario of 35 cents per 12 ounces of beer stated that, as a result of the change in the way that excise tax will now be calculated “consumers will pay more at the tap”. This is not entirely accurate. The truth is that the...
Dear Editor,
Two ranking senior police officers were named and accused of sexual harassment and sexual assault by two female police officers. The two police victims initiated Police Reports immediately on the days each incident happened. The PRs were processed and signed by CID investigators Poutoa...