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Dear Editor,
Two ranking senior police officers were named and accused of sexual harassment and sexual assault by two female police officers. The two police victims initiated Police Reports immediately on the days each incident happened. The PRs were processed and signed by CID investigators Poutoa...
Dear Editor;
As a proud American Samoan, every year I look forward to attending Flag Day at the stadium or watching it on TV.
For the THIRD consecutive year I was extremely disappointed to see our Congresswoman publicly slighted by the Flag Day Committee. How unnecessary and petty is that? We...
Once again, an effort is under way to mandate U.S. citizenship for the people of American Samoa, however, most of the people want a choice, not a mandate. There are sound cultural and traditional reasons for the current circumstance, under which most of our people are born as U.S. Nationals, and...
Dear Editor,
It's finally out that even women in the American Samoa Department of Public Safety police force are vulnerable and unprotected against sexual predators wearing badges.
A female CID detective was sexually harassed by the commander of a DPS Substation while on duty. Her traumatic...
Dear Editor,
A 16-year-old mentally challenged child with the cognizance of a 7-year-old was raped. The child is pregnant. Blame at this point is neither here nor there. A rapist is on the loose.
A concerned citizen informed me a week later, after it was reported to Child Protective Services of...
Dear Editor,
It is a travesty (but perhaps no surprise) that our Senators are more concerned about upholding patriarchal values than they are with the wellbeing of a child. Rather than question the logic behind the number "14", they should be questioning whether at 14 years of age, if the child is...
Dear Editor,
Has the Task Force considered the simple truth that teachers —no matter what — have the tremendous power to transform lives in the classroom? We’ve come this far and the ‘system’ still isn’t working? How could that be on an island with so many PhDs compared to a small rural college...
Dear Editor,
It is said that “an apology cannot undo what has been done, but it can help ease the pain and tension of the aftermath. It gives hope for rebuilding and puts value on the relationship rather than the individual’s pride.”
With that being said, I wish to take this opportunity to offer...
The Senate rejected the House bill on Monday, in a vote of 7- 9. The bill needed at least 11 votes to pass.
I was speechless and in awe of the decision that was recklessly made at the' spit of an asp' to condemn our female children who are vulnerable to a life of domestic slavery, sexual rapes,...
After reading the article titled “Governor defends ASG’s no vote on LVPA” posted on (March 22, 2018), I am compelled to correct what appear to be misconceptions of the Council’s actions taken on the LVPA.
First, the article says that the “rule that was instigated by the Council to...