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Attorney General, Fainuulelei Falefatu Alailima-Utu has requested that Samoa News re-print his email that was the basis for yesterday’s story — AG on Senate resolution banning imports from Samoa: “imports do not hurt local businesses”  — in its entirety as sent. There was an editing error in the...
Dear Editor,   Governor Lemanu’s unabashed hat-in-hand tour across D.C. made me think of a parable of two brothers who went to see their father on his deathbed. The first brother knelt alongside his father, held his hand and said, “Father, you are both wise and wealthy. I ask nothing of you other...
This is in response to the NURSE crisis at LBJ, given the recent articles from LBJ's CEO, the response from the CEO of Samoa’s Ministry of Health, and subsequent NURSE related articles over the decades for LBJ. I’ve also added some “common sense” and data driven solutions to guide the thought...
Dear Editor,   I was very excited when Governor Lemanu called for a constitutional convention last year because of one issue and one issue only – reapportionment. This was to be the measure of our leaders’ oft-declared commitment to our culture; one supposedly based on love and respect for one...
American Samoa is unfortunately no stranger to federal bureaucracies trying to dictate how we manage our land and waters without consulting local officials. The United States and its territories were founded on the principle of federalism and a recognition that local control is most responsive to...
Dear Editor:  Your October 19th, page one story on the Fitisemanu court case quotes attorney Charles V. Ala'ilima as saying the Supreme Court “has yet again left unresolved the question of whether people born in American Samoa are U.S. citizens."  No it hasn't.    When the U.S. Supreme Court...
Kuini Tuaau
Social media published cases of child sexual abuse in American Samoa. The cases come to light after a great amount of time has passed since it happened. If you ask a Samoan parent about their children being sexually abused will they tell you? There is so much silence on the topic of child sexual...
A demonstrator waves a flag with marijuana leaves in front of White House
On October 6th, President Biden announced he would be pardoning all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession and instructed members of his cabinet to begin work to change how the drug is scheduled under federal law. He also called on Governors around the country to use their clemency...
Mo le Faatonu,   E muamua ona si'i a'e le faafetai i le Atua mo lenei avanoa.  Faapea ma Āna faamanuiāga mo tatou  Amerika Samoa. Faatulou atu i le paia ma le mamalu o le Atunuu, Tupu ma E'e, 'Au'auna a le Atua, Tamā ma Tinā Matutua, faapea Mātua ma latou Fanau; Faatalofa atu. O le faamoemoe ia...
Dear Editor,  First I would like to thank God for this golden opportunity and for His many blessings on us in American Samoa.  In the past 40-50 years while I lived in Tutuila and served our people, I observed and experienced several changes in Tutuila since my younger days.  I would like to bring...
