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Dear Editor,
First I would like to thank God for this golden opportunity and for His many blessings on us in American Samoa.
In the past 40-50 years while I lived in Tutuila and served our people, I observed and experienced several changes in Tutuila since my younger days. I would like to bring...
ASG is up to date with its subsidies paid to the American Samoa Community College, this is contrary to our previous article titled "ASCC audit report shows two years of missing ASG subsidies" published on 3 June, 2022.
The Audit report by the Moss Adams Auditors Company based in the U.S. mainland,...
Lau Afioga i le faatonu,
Tesema 8, 2020 sa fa’afuaseia ona maliu lo’u to’alua o Christina Alama Maafala Gasu I Vaivase Uta, Samoa mai le Cardiac Arrest.
O se taimi faigata, oute taunu’u mai i Amerika Samoa, ae taunu’u mai ma le KOVITI-19 i le masina lava lea, ma taofia ai loa ma malaga e oo mai i...
It’s Teachers Appreciation Week, May 2 to May 6, and I think we should all give it a “good thinking to” — aside from wearing different colors everyday to celebrate their role in our community. It’s said that it takes a village to raise a child — and I add that teachers are a cornerstone of the...
Samoa News, in today’s issue, has reprinted a story from The Conversation entitled, “The pandemic has changed death rituals”. Reading the story, I could not but think of the report we published in our Monday issue, about a Pago family who is having to deal with their mother’s death as COVID-related...
Dear Editor,
Although there is community spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the territory, in my opinion, we are in control of the virus' presence in the community and we are able to contain its spread.
How do I know? Just look at the numbers! In three weeks of community spread, the incidence of...
I’ve been in New Zealand for about two years now — waiting for the quarantine time between Samoa and American Samoa to become less time consuming, i.e there are no transit passengers allowed between the two islands (as far as I’ve been told). I would have to quarantine for at least 10 days in Samoa...
Dear Editor,
The Samoa News article on Wednesday 12/22/21 incorrectly states that a bench warrant was issued against me on 12/21/22 on two cases for criminal defendants awaiting sentencing because of immigration issues. The truth is subpoenas, not bench warrants, were issued to me and the Public...
Dear Editor,
I have publicly asked the current leadership of ASPA multiple times since the beginning of October to hold a public hearing to allow our community to better understand ASPA’s current wind farm project and allow questions to be asked and concerns to be voiced. They still have not even...
O saunoaga na lafoina e le Kovana Lutena, ile Susuga ia Talauega Ale ile fonotaga pei ona ripotia mai ile Talanei News ia Tesema 3, 2021 e fa'apea..."But if you choose to work for the American Samoa Government, then you will have to follow the rules. Working for the American Samoa Government is not...