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Baroness Patricia Scotland, Commonwealth Secretary General, speaks to the media during the 2017 Commonwealth Youth Games Opening on July 17, 2017 in Nassau, Bahamas.  [Photo: Mark Kolbe/Getty Images/AFP]
PACIFIC TO BAN NORTH KOREAN FISHING BOATS Pacific Islands Forum countries say they'll work to ban North Korean fishing vessels from their waters. North Korea has tested nuclear warheads and threatened the United States Pacific territory of Guam in recent weeks, which the forum countries have...
[screenshot from Observer video]
Your new Miss Samoa is Alexandra Iakopo. The 23-year-old from Sapapali’i, Fusi Safotulafai and Moamoa was crowned during the finale of the McDonald’s Miss Samoa Pageant at Gym 1 last night.  She takes over from former Miss Samoa, Pricilla Olano. The crowning capped off an amazing run by the Miss...
Dongwon Enterprise chairman Jae-chul Kim [photo: Undercurrent News]
Dongwon Enterprise chairman Jae-chul Kim, a legend in the tuna sector, directly controlled US subsidiary and tuna brand Starkist Co during the years of the alleged price-fixing conspiracy, a new wave of class-action lawsuits against the big players in the sector claim. Two lawsuits filed on Aug. 29...
[photo: Youtube]
The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council has requested a federal government entity to consult appropriate agencies in the US territories - including American Samoa - when conducting a status review of giant clam species. Earlier this year in June, the US National Marine Fisheries...
48th Pacific Island Leaders forum. [photo from Twitter]
Regional areas could see an influx of Pacific Islanders after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull signed a deal at the 48th Pacific Island Leaders forum in Samoa. The prime minister was greeted at the airport in the capital of Apia by the Samoan deputy prime minister on Friday morning before being...
[Samoa Observer]
The rain failed to dampen the spirits of hundreds who took part in the opening of the 27th Teuila Festival in front of the government building this week. The day started with a parade on Beach Road, kicking off the first day of activities, which included traditional games, entertainment, cricket...
 Wez Norris (R). [Photo: Supplied/ Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency]
The Forum Fisheries Agency is urging caution over new data showing Pacific tuna are not being overfished. The figures suggest the entire tuna stock is at a healthy level, including Bigeye which has long been been reported as severely overfished. The agency's Wez Norris said the data is potentially...
[Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson]
Virgin Australia has confirmed it will continue its service to Samoa, once a joint-venture with the Samoa government ends. The airline will take over from 13 November, one day after the decade-long Virgin Samoa joint-venture ends. Subject to approval from the Samoa government, Virgin Australia will...
[Photo: 123rf via RNZI]
Pacific health ministers hope a focus on mothers will help curb a surge in child obesity in the region. The ministers met in the Cook Islands last week and embraced a commitment to leave no one behind as they work towards their goal of "healthy Islands". The Cook Islands Minister of Health Nandi...
Pacific leaders are arriving in Samoa's capital, Apia, for the annual Pacific Islands Forum. This year's gathering of Pacific leaders comes as the Australian Government pledges to renew its engagement with the region. [Photo: Supplied]
Leaders from around the region will attempt to form a collective voice on such varied topics as climate change, illegal fishing and labour mobility as they gather in Samoa's capital Apia for the annual Pacific Islands Forum. The official theme of this year's forum is The Blue Pacific: Our Sea of...
