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Apia, SAMOA — Samoa’s Ministry of Police is currently investigated three homicide cases and one severe traffic accident, according to the weekly Police Press Conference , with their Spokesperson, Su’a LeMamea Tiumalu saying that deaths seem to increase by the month. He said two men from Aele were...
Apia, SAMOA —The two young men who were arrested and charged in connection with being gang members in Samoa have been sentenced. Alesana Levi and Sio Lameko, who are both 18-years old were each facing one count of carrying out an unlawful assembly or being involved in a gang. The defendants pleaded...
[photo: Undercurrent News]
The wide discrepancy between canned tuna finished goods and skipjack raw material prices mean Tri Marine International’s American Samoa plant is unlikely to be the last to close, sources in the sector told Undercurrent News. On Oct. 13, Tri Marine announced it will cease production at its Samoa...
The Hawai‘i Lodging & Tourism Association, the state’s largest private-sector hospitality trade organization, has donated and installed 32 room air-conditioners in 16 classrooms at Jefferson Elementary School in Waikiki — the project is dubbed “Project Cool”. HLTA president and CEO is Mufi Hahnemann. [photo: Barry Markowitz]
Honolulu, Hawai’i  — The Hawai‘i Lodging & Tourism Association, the state’s largest private-sector hospitality trade organization, has donated and installed 32 room air-conditioners in 16 classrooms at Jefferson Elementary School in Waikiki. Completion of this volunteer effort, dubbed “Project...
SMALL-SCALE CANNING GETS A BOOST Just as canning in American Samoa is going bust, the first regional training for small-scale tuna canning entrepreneurs in the Pacific started in Majuro. The training aims to certify prospective canners so that small domestic commercial tuna canning operations can...
Apia, SAMOA — Samoa’s Attorney General has assumed prosecutorial duties of the National Prosecution Office (NPO) following the suspension of the Acting Director of the NPPO, Mureil Lui who took over when cabinet also suspended Director of NPO, Mauga Precious Chang who is facing criminal charges in...
The partially decomposed body of the man who was found floating in Levi, Sale’imoa earlier this week.  (Facebook)
Apia, SAMOA — A man who appears to be in his late 30s was found floating in the sea near Levi Sale’imoa earlier this week and efforts to find this man’s family have been unsuccessful, says Superintendent and Police Spokesperson Su’a LeMamea Tiumalu who said they will reach out to the neighboring...
HONOLULU, HAWAI’I — Standing Committees of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council are meeting today to consider management measures for fisheries in the expanded Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI); 2017 longline-caught bigeye tuna...
The new volunteers from the Peace Corps in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Culture (MESC) to promote teaching and learning capacities in English Literacy in government primary schools.  (Photos US Embassy-SAMOA0)
Apia, SAMOA — Twenty-one Americans arrived in Samoa last week, they are volunteers from the Peace Corps who has been sending volunteers since 1967. The volunteers who will spend two years living and working in Samoan villages serving as English Resource Teachers in government primary schools. This...
PACIFIC SHORT STORY COMPETITION UNDERWAY IN SAMOA Apia, SAMOA — Samoa Observer’s Editor in Chief, Savea Sano Malifa and his wife Muliaga Jean Malifa who is also the publisher, have again opened up the opportunity to writers all over the Pacific — young and old — to the Samoa Observer Tusitala Short...
