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Special Education
Saipan, CNMI — On Monday, U.S. Department of Education Special Education Program Director Valerie Williams praised the special education program’s success in the Pacific, crediting stakeholder engagement, which she said “remains difficult to achieve in some states and school districts in the nation...
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Tualauta Rep. Larry Sanitoa is stepping in to help out with what’s needed for repairs to several problem areas for the classroom and office serving Special Education students at Nu’uuli Vocational Technical High School (NVTHS).
This follows an email request last month...
Samoana HS principal Rod Atafua with Special Education teacher Mafutaga Taase and SPED student DeAndre Chen during the Blue Empire's Color Run this past Saturday that included a walkathon, taebo and swimming. [photo: BC]