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Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — American Samoa TeleCommunications Authority and Bluesky Communications “have elected to participate” in the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB Program), a new initiative by the US Federal Communications Commission, according to FCC public records.
Samoa News...
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Through a Mar. 29th memorandum, Gov. Lemanu Peleti Palepoi Sialega Mauga is allowing all government entities to procure telecommunication services from any organization so long as laws are followed.
Lemanu’s memo titled ‘Procurement of Telecommunication Services’...
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — In an order issued on Tuesday this week, US Chief Judge J. Michael Seabright at the federal court in Honolulu, set a briefing schedule with respect to a motion for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), sought by Alega residents in their complaint against AST Telecom dba...
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been informed that the American Samoa to Hawaii fiber optic link of the American Samoa Hawaii Cable, LLC (or ASH Cable system) was decommissioned last summer while the link connecting the two Samoas remains in service...
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Bluesky’s second Gaming Tournament will be held on Halloween, October 31, 2020, from 8am- 2pm at the Gov. H. Lee Auditorium. South Pacific Distribution (SOPAC) will be the event’s co-sponsor. The public is invited to cheer on their favorite player.
Bluesky’s first gaming...
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The local Fijian community in American Samoa gathered with their families and friends on Saturday, October 10, 2020 at the Lion’s Park to celebrate their nation's Golden Independence Anniversary. The local celebration commemorates the day Fiji took its place in the...
E tusa ai ma se fa’asalalauga fa’alauaitele a le Kamupani Telefoni a le Bluesky, ua fa’ailoa mai ai, “Ua matua toe fa’atula’ia uma lava tautua masani a le Bluesky i le motu o Tutuila nei. O le Moana Cable ma laina telefoni uma lava o lo’o fa’atautaia e le Bluesky, ua toe fa’aleleia uma lava, ona o...
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Bluesky Communication’s theme for November is “Giving Thanks” and in the spirit of Thanksgiving, Bluesky visited Hope House to present the residents with a special treat for their Thanksgiving celebration this year! Taking time out of the short and busy week, ≈ in caring...
O se va'aiga i le fiafia o nei sui vala'aulia fa'apitoa e auai i le Fa'asamoa Initiative i le aso To'ona'i nei e faia i le Gov. H. Rex Lee Auditorium. O le ata lea i le aso Faraile ua te’a i le nofoaga a le Bluesky i Iliili. The Fa’asamoa Initiative is a program funded through the Troy and Theodora...
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The US Army and Bluesky Communications yesterday signed a memorandum of agreement for the Army Partnership for Youth Success (PaYS) program, which is the first in the Asia and Pacific Region.
The program is designed to help soldiers prepare for a career after the Army by...