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Our Troops

Captain Talavou Avegalio (center) at his last deployment in the Middle East. Last month, Capt. Avegalio assumed command of Detachment 1, Alpha Company 3rd of the 140th Aviation in Hilo, HI.  [photo: courtesy]
Captain Jerrod Talavou Avegalio, in a change of command ceremony on September 9th, assumed command of Detachment 1 Alpha Company 3rd of the 140th Aviation (S&S) from outgoing commander, Captain Jayson Yang in Hilo, Hawaii.  Captain Avegalio, a black hawk pilot, had recently returned from a...
[Courtesy photo]
Washington, D.C. – Friday, Congresswoman Aumua Amata was privileged to attend an American Samoan soldier’s Advanced Individual Training graduation ceremony at Fort Benning, Georgia, followed by a tour of the Fort and a special visit to the National Infantry Museum, where Governor Peter Tali Coleman...
Fellow servicemen paying tribute to their fallen comrade, SFC Albert H. Chung during a memorial service held at the US Army Reserve Center in Tafuna last Friday. [photo: AF]
US Army officials both local and off-island gathered at the Konelio Pele US Army Reserve Center in Tafuna last Friday afternoon, to honor and pay tribute to their fallen comrade, SFC Albert H. Chung, the army recruiter who drowned at Alega Beach on August 6. Others who were in attendance included...
US Army Recruiting Battalion Commander, Maj. Ulisses Tymes administering the Oath of Enlistment during the swearing-in of 31 future soldiers at the Veterans Memorial Stadium in Tafuna this past Wednesday afternoon. [photo: AF]
Thirty-one future soldiers took the Oath of Enlistment for the US Army during a brief ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Stadium in Tafuna on Wednesday afternoon, in the presence of proud parents, families and friends. They are part of the 80 Delayed Entry Program enlistees — the largest single DEP...
On Sunday, Aug. 6, 2017, Major James T. Fe’a-Fiame was promoted to the rank of LT Colonel  of the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team — Hawaii Army National Guard. His son, James, is seen helping pin his father’s new rank as part of the ceremony. Fe'a-Fiame is the son of T. Tusapa and Telesia  Fiame...
(Editor’s Note: President Donald Trump announced last Wednesday that he plans to reinstate a ban on transgender individuals from serving "in any capacity" in the US armed forces. The twitter decision came without a plan in place to implement it. And, has left active transgender military members...
From L-R: Paulo Momoisea from Amaluia, SFC (USA Ret.) Robert Tua from Aasu, CSM (USA Ret.) and Mrs. Ioakimo Falaniko from Utulei, Mrs. Robert Tua, Vasa Loa and daughter Marilyn from Asili, Rep. Aumua Amata, CSM Charles M. Tobin, Acting DOI Assistant Secretary Nikolao Pula, SFC (USA Ret.) Fa’aaliga Matagi from Ta’u, 1SG Junior Galoia  [Courtesy photo]
Washington, DC — Congresswoman Aumua Amata would like to extend her sincere congratulations and appreciation to Command Sergeant Major Charles M. Tobin, who retires from the United States Army this month after nearly 34 years of service. CSM Tobin is a native of Pago Pago, American Samoa and Lotopa...
 [Courtesy photo]
US Army Second Lieutenant Jason Lynn Marshall, right, salutes his father, Jeffrey Lynn Marshall, from Champaign, Illinois, (prior service Army Staff Sergeant) during a University of Illinois Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Tri- Service Commissioning Ceremony at the Urbana campus last month.   At...
US Navy Yeoman Seaman Recruit Faafetaiilealii “Tai” Raison (far right) with his three brothers and parents Josephine and Melvin Ae. Tai was recently recognized as PCU Portland LPD 27s Sailor of the Week. See story for full details.  [photo: courtesy]
Long before Faafetaiileali’i Raison donned his cap and gown last year and walked across the stage to receive his diploma as part of Samoana High School’s Class of 2016, he already knew what he wanted to be: a sailor in the United States Navy. Growing up in a family with a long history of US...
The final funeral service for US Army SPC Shaleen Maiava is scheduled for tomorrow. She is a member of the Utulei CCCAS youth and the church minister, along with fellow youth members, paid tribute to her in a special ceremony held this past Wednesday evening. Shaleen passed away unexpectedly at...
